The feeling This was an artist I had been looking forward to seeing for a while, with lenghty open jams. The setting was great, at the Festival of Endless Gratitude taking place at KPH Volume. A place with plenty of…
Ecstatic Vision – Favela café, Helsingborg 2019-11-15
The show If you’re a frequent concertgoer, every now and then you’ll stumble upon artists, unknown to you, who will catch your attention. Ecstatic Vision resides in genres not always in this writers cup of tea. Originally being at Favela…
Ryley Walker – Hotel Cecil 2020-01-30
The art Ryley Walker, the indie rock star. Ryley Walker, the jazz musician. Ryley Walker, the jammer, doing a solo show with just an acoustic guitar. Jamming with just himself. Does it work? Building something together with others is definately…
Madalitso Band – Plan B, Malmö 2017-11-28
The show One dark november night, about two years ago, a jamming duo took the smaller (!) stage at Plan B in Malmö, Sweden. That is, the smaller stage at the basement version of Plan B, since relocated. The few…
Ödemarken – Favela café, Helsingborg 2019-11-15
The show Playing their latest album, Terrorjazz, all through, Ödermarken was a good reason for a trip to Helsingborg. The venue, Favela café, is a badly needed place in the city for music not finding its place in mainstream venues.…
Acid Mothers Temple – Plan B, Malmö 2015-10-11
Show notes The first recording to be posted at Mirror Show is not from a recent or even unpublished show, but is worthy of a little more attention. Acid Mothers Temple played the old basement venue of Plan B, Malmö,…
What this is
This is a venue for sharing and spreading recordings of live music made, mostly, in the south of Sweden. It is also a way to promote a way for artists to have their music recorded. More to come!